Homeopathic Remedies for Anthrax
In case of anthrax epidemic, homeopathic
practitioners will point out that the main problem we need to manage is
the fear of contracting the disease and the paranoia in the population.
This is because the risk of a person coming in contact with a lethal
dose of anthrax is very very small. Several homeopathic remedies are available that help you to manage your fear, panic and anxiety. Take some rescue remedy and do not panic. If you suspect that you are exposed to anthrax, you should consult a professional and do not try to self-medicate. Anthrax exposure requires prompt intervention and the time is of essence.
Homeopathic practitioners generally treat
the symptoms of the disease. They can also give you a constitutional remedy that will help you to strengthen your immune system. Prophylactics and vaccinations are also sometimes given, although all homeopaths do not necessarily agree with these approaches.
It has been shown again and again that homeopathic medicines given intelligently and
conforming to homeopathic principle of 'like cures like' do not only cure infectious disease speedily and easily without the development of any complications, but they also prevent these same diseases.
When looking for aggressive homeopathic remedies to treat anthrax, we come across terms like nosodes and sarcodes.
Nosodes are medicines prepared from products of diseases or diseased tissues of human beings, animals and plants. Sarcodes are medicines prepared from the secretions or healthy tissues including endocrine glands. Typically these are ground and diluted as per homeopathic
procedures. The end result is a medication which has a very low concentration
that can help activate body's defenses.
Several homeopathic preparations are
useful for anthrax. The most important one is perhaps a remedy called
anthracinum. Homeopathic practitioners claim that anthracinum can prevent anthrax
from infecting human beings.
Anthracinum is prepared by triturating (grinding) the puss from anthrax. It is a very effective prophylactic against anthrax, according to homeopaths. This nosode has a long history. It was made & used during the days of Hahnemann, father of modern homeopathy, by a vet surgeon called Lux.
Homeopaths claim that "anthracinum works like magic. They claim that
" if a person just takes a dose (of anthracinum) for two days in succession, he would be immune from anthrax for at least three months."
Anthracinum can be used when word of an outbreak occurs in one's proximate geographical area. Homeopaths believe that this remedy help protect
you from contracting the disease and/or mitigating its effects.
Anthracinum is indicated
How to Take Anthracinum
A healthy adult may take one dose of 30X (or whichever potency is available/selected) once a day for up to three days. Stop taking after 3 days.
Children may take one dose once.
Debilitated individuals, those with compromised immune systems, or people being treated for a sickness: Contact a qualified homeopath before taking additional medicines.
Indicated for Anthracinum
Terrible, intolerable burning, as if on fire; with great exhaustion.
Black or blue blisters that slough and ulcerate with rapid decomposition.
Black blood oozes from any orifice.
Vomiting with chill followed by painless, bloody diarrhea.
Rapid loss of strength with sinking pulse, delirium and fainting.
Succession of boils.
Large boils and malignant ulcers with discharge of offensive pus.
Septic fever with sweat all over and great weakness.
Swelling of painful lymph glands.
Severe pain in limbs and joints with spasms, especially of upper limbs.
Abdominal swelling with enlarged organs and swollen glands.
Diminished appetite.
Excessive thirst but can hardly swallow.